Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Opening Comments

Sound the alarm, stop the presses! The Boycott Pro Sports blog is up and running. A press conference will be held at The White House’s Rose Garden, or my basement, whichever is available. Fyi, Corporate naming rights to my basement are currently available to the highest bidder.

This blog has been set-up as a place for the “Average Joe” to complain and let your voices be heard about how disgusted you are with pro sports, the athletes that play them, the coaches and managers who prepare and instruct them and the owners that run the business. After all, Average Joe, you are the employer of all of them. Without your ticket and merchandise purchases, your TV viewership and every other way you contribute they would have no revenues to live their extravagant lifestyles.

Occasionally memebers of the pro sports community do things that are worthy of recognition and a pat on the back, when such a rarity occurs, we’ll let you know about it as well. But for the most part, we’ll highlight the greed and stupidity of pro sports.

As “the employer” it’s time to stand up and say you’re not going to take it anymore and this is the place to do it. I' look forward to hearing from my fellow Average Joe's (AJ's).

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